Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Post Numero Uno

Well here goes. time for me to jump on the band waggon and begin posting all the crap that no one else cares about haha. Currently, I'm working on being slightly sick. Awesome. Also watching the American Idol season premier. I love the first few episodes. Some of these people are just ridiculous. So yeah. I'm pretty much just hanging out with my kitties. Although I am pretty excited. See, I've been chatting with this boy lately. He's really sweet. He lives in New York. He's totally into horror movies which I am allll about. He's gonna come and visit me and were gonna go to the Mutter Museum 'cause he's never been there. I'm super excited.

So there's that. I start school back up on tuesday. I'm excited because i can't really motivate myself to work on other stuff when it's not required of me. I hate that, but it's how it is. I just started a painting the other day. I'm still working on the sketch for it. It's inspired by an excerpt from Rollins' "Eye Scream". So when ever i get the sketch done, I'll post it. I'm going for ugly and derranged. Also, i have a project for some friends. I basically have to do a large scale cardboard cutout of jesus being ball tapped by a rabbi... Don't ask haha.

Okay. I really have to pee, and make more to eat. I might check back in later. Dunno. Ciao

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