so. tyler and i went to see anti-flag at the troc last night. it was, for lack of a better word, awesome. 4 opening bands (menzingers, star fucking hipsters, cancer bats, aiden). didnt care too much about all that. but before a-f played, i had a chance to talk to their manager about a family friend of mine who had produced their last album. he had asked them to take this picture for me --->
so when i was talking to their manager (i think his name was jesse, but it was loud), he reaches down and hands me a copy of "bright lights of america" on vinyl! after thanking him many many times, tyler and i squeezed our way up against the barrier for their set. it was a relatively short set compared to some of the ones ive seen them do before. their encore consisted of almost entirely clash songs- guns of brixton, should i stay or should i go, i faught the law. durring their last song, the crew started passing pat's drums into the crowd, then pat jumped down and began playing drums from the center of the crowd, right next to where we were standing. right after that, a mic stand and chris's bass were handed down, followed by chris! they finished their set in the middle of the audience. chris had his back pressed right aginst me. it was amazing and i love that the guys are cool enough to do stuff like that. they're all very humble people. i managed to snap some photos with my phone-

also, things with tyler and me are pretty fantastic. it's really awesome to have a guy who doesnt give a shit when i talk to another guy, or start a fight when we're out, or act like a complete child. he's really great. he manes me really happy, and i hope it stays like that for a long time ;)
::signing off::
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